Italian Style

美 [ɪˈtæliən staɪl]英 [ɪˈtæliən staɪl]
  • 网络意大利风格;建筑风格;意大利建筑风格
Italian StyleItalian Style
  1. It was a rustic setting in the old Italian style .


  2. It 's a cold , brutal bit of business logic , all dressed up in fine Italian style .


  3. Protection and renovation planning of protection area of Tianjin Italian style architecture


  4. Caf é Franchise : International brand , Italian style of management from product offering to interior decoration .


  5. Los Angeles has brand new bars devoted to an Italian style of raw fish , called crudo .


  6. Tianjin Italian style historic district is the only one and most integrated recent historic district of Italy oversea .


  7. Chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and herbs in the Italian style .


  8. Somis and Pugnani introduced the Italian style into France through their pupils .


  9. Upon entering the house , I was greeted by some of the others that lived there with a traditional Italian style greeting .


  10. They ate Italian style moon cake with a glass of sparkling wine in an Italian restaurant with red lanterns .


  11. As the Marco Polo Square is a pivot of this area , there 're many Italian Style architectures around the square .


  12. In keeping with its tenets of local design and European aspirations , the architecture blends Chinese artisanship with a touch of Italian style .


  13. Embedding new buildings and confirming the site in historical districts : study in office building project in No.14 area in Hai River Italian style historic district in Tianjin


  14. Italian style wok braised bullfrog .


  15. All the units are with modern design , fully furnished with Italian style light color furniture , large windows and large living rooms , good standard bathrooms and kitchens .


  16. Not exactly Italian style , but with some clever touches of Italian mosaic and design , the impression is stylish , elegant , and inviting .


  17. D ) Nancy and Mary like to follow the fashion . W : She said she would never have bought an Italian style dress if she had known Mary had already got such a dress .


  18. Based on the study of the entironment and tradition in regional culture , this paper investigates that Italian style garden and traditional Chinese garden have relations with regional culture , and shows that regional culture and landscape architecture design do good to each other .


  19. Giuseppe Tornatore is a well-known realist genre film director in Italy , his films gained a lot of International Awards , and his works are full of natural Italian style , and also display the unique Italian national temperament .


  20. Learning from the Colonnaded courtyards of ancient Greece and the Terrace garden of Italian style to the private gardens with the Chinese brushwork freehand of south China , we understand people are always seeking outstanding external environment of habitations .


  21. The place is kitted out in upmarket Italian cafe style .


  22. It is in the Italian architectural style .


  23. He remained faithful through his life to the Italian Baroque style .


  24. a 19th-century Italian Renaissance style drawing worth tens of thousands ;


  25. I expected more of that Italian hot-blooded style , you know ?


  26. Besides , the study on the history of Italian painting style in the Renaissance is based on the same idea .


  27. The combining of the Italian music style and German missionaries music style makes the concertos have both of the musical cultural features .


  28. This concerto is full of Italian music style . It has a beautiful melody and easy to sing . At the same time , Bach used polyphone to create which makes the work full of multi-regional character .


  29. This small Italian-managed hotel offers travelers the welcoming charm of the Caribbean combined with warm Italian hospitality and style as well as influenced cuisine and design .


  30. Many singers have established their own unique school of vocal music . Among them , Pier Miranda Ferraro is one of the representatives of Italian traditional vocal music style .
